
Token2 PIN+ Series: Enhanced FIDO2 Security Keys

Token2 is excited to announce the start of the mass production of their revolutionary PIN+ series, a line of FIDO2 Security keys. These security keys feature advanced PIN complexity rules that set a new standard for security. The firmware development for the PIN+ series is now complete, and the company is currently making preparations for mass production.

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Azure AD Now Supports FIDO2 Security Keys on Safari on iOS

In a significant development for iOS users, Microsoft Azure Active Directory (AD) has expanded its support for FIDO2 security keys on the Safari browser. This advancement is a crucial step towards enhancing security and usability on Apple's mobile devices, ensuring seamless authentication experiences for Azure AD users. With FIDO2 security keys, users can now enjoy passwordless access to their Azure AD accounts, boosting convenience and significantly reducing the risk of password-related attacks. Let's dive deeper into this exciting development and explore the benefits it brings to iOS users.


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Azure AD Authentication methods policy migration

In an effort to enhance security and streamline administration, Microsoft introduced the Authentication methods policy for Azure AD. This policy allows administrators to manage the MFA and SSPR settings from a single location, simplifying the overall user experience. However, it's important to note that the migration process has a limitation when it comes to hardware OATH tokens.

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Molto2 Receives "Certified Product" Badge from Independent Third-Party Assessment by SySS GmbH

At our company, we believe in delivering safe and secure products to our customers. That's why we engaged SySS GmbH, an independent third-party security company, to conduct a thorough security assessment of our product, Molto2. We are proud to announce that Molto2 has passed this assessment with flying colors and has received a "Certified Product" badge from SySS GmbH.

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Introducing Token2 FIDO2 PIN+: The Security Key That Enforces Strong PIN Complexity

We are excited to announce the upcoming launch of our latest product variation, the Token2 FIDO2 PIN+. The PIN+ series is a new variation of our existing security keys that deviates from the FIDO2 standards to provide stronger PIN complexity enforcement.

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Enhancing Security with the Token2 Molto-2 Lock Screen Feature

The Token2 Molto-2 is a popular multiprofile hardware token used for two-factor authentication, providing an additional layer of security for various online services and systems. With the latest version of the device, a new feature has been added that allows users to lock the device screen for added security.

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iOS Mail or Outlook App for Office 365 Users with Passwordless Authentication

As more and more organizations adopt a passwordless method of authentication, users are faced with the challenge of configuring their email accounts on their mobile devices.


Unlocking the Benefits of Azure Passwordless with FIDO2 Keys

We understand that some of our customers have questions and concerns about migrating to Azure Passwordless with FIDO2 keys. With this blog post, we aim to address and clarify some of the common queries that may arise regarding the technology.


Top myths about FIDO2 security keys and Passwordless access

We have been getting quite a lot of questions about the security level of FIDO keys, in the light of some recent news and research papers covering potential vulnerabilities of both the protocol stack itself and the hardware of certain implementations.


molto2.py - Molto2 USB Config tool

molto2.py is a solution developed by Token2 to program and configure the Molto2v2 TOTP hardware tokens using pyscard python library. It is fully cross-platform and works under Linux, macOS and Windows operating systems.

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Introducing Passwordless Login for Our Website!

At Token2, we are always looking for ways to improve the user experience and make it as convenient and secure as possible. That's why we are excited to announce the addition of a passwordless login option for our website.

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Provisioning Token2 TOTP programmable tokens - a universal guide

We have a lot of integration guides describing the process of enrolling our programmable tokens with different systems, such as Google, Microsoft, Facebook and many others.

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Using programmable hardware tokens with Azure AD B2C

On August 16th, 2022, Microsoft announced TOTP-based MFA for Azure AD B2C as generally available. The name used for this authentication method is "OATH software tokens", which is another name for TOTP authentication apps like Google Authenticator or Microsoft Authenticator.

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Python version of the NFC Burner app - token2_config.py

We have been getting many requests from the customers asking to make the NFC Burner tools available under macOS and Linux.

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PolKit vulnerability (CVE-2021-4034)

A memory corruption vulnerability (CVE-2021-4034) in PolKit, a component used in major Linux distributions and some Unix-like operating systems, can be easily exploited by local unprivileged users to gain full root privileges.

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Using classic tokens for Native OTP Authentication with NetScaler

Citrix ADC(NetScaler) supports one-time passwords (OTPs) without having to use a third-party server. One-time password is a highly secure option for authenticating to secure servers, as the number or passcode generated is random.

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Log4Shell (CVE-2021-44228)

Token2 is aware of the RCE vulnerability in the Apache Log4j , classified by the Apache security team as a critical severity issue (CVE-2021-44228).

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Delegation of rights in Azure MFA

Azure administrators need to have Global Administrator role to work with MFA, particularly to import and activate OATH tokens. Sometimes they want to delegate this task to service desk team, but to achieve this they need to delegate GA rights too. In this article, we would like to talk about a couple of solutions that would be usefull for administrators in managing MFA.

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TOTPRadius : Azure AD Proxy mode

The LDAP proxy mode of TOTPRadius was introduced as a workaround for implementing 2FA access for systems without native support for multiple authentication sources. This works perfectly fine for organizations with full on-premises or hybrid Active Directory implementations where domain controllers can be accessed over the local network directly using LDAP protocol. But we are discovering more and more organizations moving to full cloud Azure AD implementation while keeping some services, such as VPN, on-premises. As the LDAP interface of Azure AD is not accessible directly, it was not possible to configure TOTPRadius to use Azure AD as its authentication source.

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The Network Policy Server (NPS) extension for Azure. Verification methods.

The Network Policy Server (NPS) extension for Azure Multi-Factor-Authentication (Azure MFA) provides a simple way to add cloud-based MFA capabilities to your authentication infrastructure using your existing NPS servers.

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