Hardware token for Bexio two-factor authentication

You will need a bexio account, a Token2 programmable token and a device with NFC chip to run the NFC burner app for token provisioning. The NFC burner app is needed only for initial provisioning, the subsequent logins can be done using the hardware token only. We have NFC burner apps available for Android (with NFC chip), Windows (a separate NFC device needed if not built-in) and iPhones (iPhone 7 or newer, only with part numbers ending with "-i" ).
Activate the "Google Authenticator" add-on
Activate the "Google Authenticator" add-on under: "Settings - Packages / add-ons / users" -> "Add-ons".
Set up the add-on in bexio
Click on "Activate" to the right of Google Authenticator
Scan the QR code shown on the bexio page and use an NFC Burner app to provision the hardware token. Once done, press the button on the hardware token and enter the code generated by the token into the 'Code' text field
If the setup is successful you will receive a confirmation that the extended login procedure has been successfully activated.
After this, every time you log in you will be asked to enter the Google Authenticator code in addition to your usual access data.
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