PIN+ Series

Introducing the PIN+ Release2 Series: your ultimate solution for top-notch security and user-friendly authentication. With expanded storage capacity of 300 passkeys and advanced features like firmware-level PIN complexity enforcement, managing your authentication needs has never been easier. Experience enhanced security and convenience with the PIN+ Release2 Series today.
PIN+ Release3 is now available new
Release3 further enhances functionality by enabling USB device management for iOS and includes an OpenPGP applet.PIN+ Release3
See it in action!
We created an online tool that emulates the complexity check implemented on our PIN+ firmware.Blog
Understanding Entra’s New Time Drift Allowance
Microsoft Entra has recently updated its time drift allowances for TOTP, reducing the window to approximately 2 minutes. This change may impact users of hardware tokens that have not been used for an extended period.
Beware of the Passkey Dialog: Not All Options Are FIDO2 Security Keys
When setting up a passkey on Windows, the standard authentication dialog often presents multiple options for storing credentials.
PIN+ Key Series Achieves FIDO Level 2 Certification
We are thrilled to announce that our PIN+ Key Series has officially obtained FIDO Level 2 (L2) Certification, a significant milestone that underscores our commitment to delivering the highest level of security for our users.